Corydoras julii or Julii Cory or Leopard Cory cat is one of the most adorable fish among all Corydoras and catfishes. This is a small cat fish that originally belongs to Brazil, but later became very popular among the aquarists across the border. The prefer to lie in small groups. So, make sure you never have a lonely Cory in your tank. Like other Corydoras, Cory Julii is also a bottom feeder and eats everything from flakes to dried blood worms. Ideal condition is pH 7.2 and temperature 24-25°C.
Corydoras julii looks very similar to C. trilineatus and often mistaken as the other one, though they are two different species.
I've been thinking of having some cories in my discus tank for long. I tried kurla, but no luck. Any idea if they are available anywhere ?
Thanks for your comments. Corries are one of my favorites. They are a good addition to any tank. They are very peacefull and loves to live in small groups. Being a bottomfeeder, they also keeps the tank clean by eating the leftovers and keeping the ammonia level under control. The most common one, bronze cory or the albino version of it, should be available in local petshops. I have seen them in Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata, Hyderbad and Pune. Other fancier corries like Corydoras carlae (pronounced as 'kurla'), Corydoras sterbai, Corydoras panda (Panda Cory) and Corydoras adolfoi - I have seen them in Chennai and once or twice in Bangalore. I have never seen other specimen of corries in Indian petshops.
I have never seen anything other than the albino and bronze varieties here in mumbai.
I am not sure you are based where, but I searched so many sites for any blog on acquarium keeping in Chennai. I have more than 10 years experience in keeping acquariums at home, but recently I have added a 3 feet acquarium at our office which I take care. But I have a pacular problem, the first pair of Shark I brought(Cat Fish-Albino) dies due to ICH/white spots and then I disinfected the tank with salt for 2 weeks. Tap water was suspicious as a reason and so this time we filled the entire tank with can water/acquafina. Its got 2 sponge filters and one canister filter, after cycling it for a week again purchased 3 medium sized black sharks, but again they are sluggish after two days, although I am 100% fine they were good when I brought. One shop guy opinied that it could be the office A/C which must be reducing the temperature in the tank and that could be a cause. Could you pls throw some light on this and advise what's the ideal temp for acquariums in Chennai's climate and do I need a heater since office is centralised A/C. I have already purchased a thermometer can can now monitor temperatures. Pls advise.
Try these shops in bangalore pets classifieds bangalore