Bacopa monnieri or Brahmi is very common through out India, as a medicinal herb. It increases memory and reported to improve intellect. It is also used to treat asthma, hoarseness, insanity and epilepsy. It is a potent nerve tonic and anti-anxiety agent.
According to Pankaj Oudhia, Society for Parthenium Management (SOPAM), " (Bacopa monnieri) is bitter, pungent, heating, emetic, laxative and useful in bad ulcers, tumours, ascites, enlargement of spleen, indigestion, inflammations, leprosy, anaemia, biliousness etc. According to Unani system of medicine, it is bitter, aphrodisiac, good in scabies, leucoderma, syphilis etc. It is promising blood purifier and useful in diarrhea and fevers."