Aquarium Tips: Part 2

Nature Aquariums and Aquascapes by Samit Roy
Tips that you must know before setting up an Aquarium Part 2:

1. NEVER plan to keep your tank in the areas where you and your family members move very frequently, like in a narrow corridor or beside the doors or on the center table of your living room! Also, try to keep it away from the reach of the kids and other pets.

2. Avoid the space that gets direct sunlight, even if it gets sun for few minutes a day and for few months of a year. If your tank gets sunlight, even for a few minutes, you will have tough time with algae.


suvendu said…
Dear Sir,
please give me tips about aquariam plants.I want to grow plants in my42x12x12inch box & fill the box with small fishes like neon tetra.please mail me at my gmail address.
Thanking you,