Tips that you must know before setting up an Aquarium Part 5:
9. Be aware of the “Beginners’ Blue”. The initial weeks could be frustrating, as your fishes might die suddenly, water might become cloudy or green, plants might die or get covered with ugly algae. Be patient. Try to understand the cause of the problem. Remember, the slow and steady still wins the race.
10. Be prepared to spend time with your tank, fishers, and plants. You don’t need to spend all the time beside your tank or work vigorously everyday cleaning up buckets of dirty water. Just spend an hour or a half, everyday with your tank. Watch them, feel them, touch them, try to understand them. You will never regret that!
Before i make my request, i must tell you something that you already know. There are hundreds of Aquarium hobby related communities in orkut, which have thousands of members!! But among them only a few are ACTIVE and are really interested to be active...
We here in kolkata are a bunch of Aquarium Hobbyist who have got together to create a community of real active people so that we can SHARE knowledge and get HELP from the experienced ones like YOU in the field of ornamental fish keeping as a hobby....
I am giving you the link and hope you will join the community and help us with ur expertise and experience...
Will be highly obliged if you keep the request...
My aquarium contains the basic-est of fishes - angels, goldfish, swordtail, red tail and albino shark and denisoni.
Can you suggest some tips for beautifying the aquarium? Thanks.