The image shows various Cryptocorynes and Java Moss (Vesicularia dubyana) in my planted tank. Like Java Moss, Cryptocorynes are also South Asian plants. Cryptos have been one of the most favorite plants among aquarists. They are not demanding, grow fast, do not require much light and suitable for even hard water. However, Cryptos require a nutritious bottom. They grow long and very strong roots. Once rooted properly, Crypots form a thick bush, making them suitable as mid-ground and background plants. Uprooting an year-old bush of Cryptos would lead you to rip off the entire set up, making the substrate, along with all other adjacent plants to come out with them.
Like other aquarists, crypotos are my favourites, too. I liked to use various Cryptocorynes together, to form a cohesive group of thick bush, including Cryptocoryne wendtii (both 'Green' and 'Brown' varieties), Cryptocoryne parva (the smallest Crypto) and Cryptocoryne undulata. They are also my favorites for their variety of shapes and colors. Colored Cryptos are probably one of the few colored aquatic plants that produce colored leaves without lot of light. It is compatible with most of the plants, it might restrict the growth of any 'rooted' plants, if that plant was planted in close proximity of a family of Cryptos.
PS: Can you see my Madagascar Lace (Aponogeton madagascariensis) in the corner?